So, I have been looking through the Word. As I have, and the Lord has been whispering "commitment" as a key to actual transformation, there was something that struck me even more deeply:
Faith is a case of either or
Marginal faith fails each time it is exercised. Saul, as a king, tried having marginal faith. He "sort of" listened to God's instruction. He "kinda" obeyed. Yet, he did not fully obey when given instruction through Samuel. David, each time he sinned, was a direct result of marginal obedience. Abraham was counted as faithful. Why? He was considered faithful, because he held nothing in between him and God. He would not even hold his own son in between himself and God. Jesus speaking with the rich young man; "one thing you lack, sell all you have and give it to the poor and come follow me." That man was willing to follow any rule you gave him, but ask him to move his wealth out of the way between he and Jesus and instead, he walks away down trodden and Jesus is left grieving over the loss.
In Joshua, the people of Israel are admonished to make a choice: the gods of your neighbors or the God who led you out of Egypt. Joshua made his decision "as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Notice there are no other options that Joshua puts out there. He makes no provision for any other gods in his life.
In fact, the word even says, "take not the name of their gods on your lips." (Jos 23:7).
So, what would it take to get ourselves out of this compromised state? What would our churches, families and places of businesses look like if we would make a decision?
Think about the release of the power of God in your life once you make that choice.
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