Date 12/08/13
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we approach the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord, I
find myself pondering the past couple of years. How has your faith been
affected by the events that you have lived through? Has it been shaken,
strengthened or perhaps even down right diminished? Have you grown closer in
relationship with our Lord or further away? Perhaps you find that the
relationship hasn’t really changed at all. Have you found what you thought you
were looking for? Have you found what you believe you have needed? Do you still
feel lost, saddened, empty, abandoned?
None of this is unusual. Even the greatest of the Church’s saints
had moments of less than clear beliefs. In the days ahead, I hope to offer,
Father God willing, some encouragement. All is not lost. What is past is past
and we cannot undo what has been written, but our future remains for us to step
In the Christian faith there is often what has been referred to
as the Dark Night of the Soul. It is a time when you may feel absolutely
abandoned by God that he has somehow stopped listening to you and you are left
on your own. Notice, please, I said, “feel” like you have been abandoned. It is
actually in this dark night, that God is closest to you. It is often during
these times that circumstances have come into your lives that are calling to
question your faith, patience, endurance, tolerance, hope and any number of
other thoughts, traditions or practices. Though not necessarily brought in by
God, when we sacrifice these to Him, He will then use the circumstances in
order to promote growth for us.
In these winter months the days are shorter and nights longer.
There is a physical absence of light in our lives that can be overwhelming.
This may be an outward reflection of what you are feeling internally. My hope
is to encourage you to continue to press in. Do not lose faith, but use this as
a time to diligently seek for a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father
through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ and allow that relationship to become
manifest in your everyday life. You are not alone in this struggle. You are not
only in current company of many who have experienced this, including myself,
but you are in an eternity of company of so many saints who have come before.
Take courage from their stories.
You have a royal destiny and together, we can as a body of
believers can change a community. We must, come together in faith. Share with
each other our struggles and celebrations getting past that, which would divide
us and holding fast to that which would unite us; even Jesus Christ himself. Along
this way, I am here for counsel and guidance, you need but ask and we can set
up an appointment.
Know this, you are loved. If you haven’t been able to join us in
a while, you are also missed. Let us step into the Nativity with the same
renewed sense of hope that the Magi had when they approached Bethlehem. A King
has been born to us. He is at the right hand of the Father making intercession
for us. He will come again. He has sent the Holy Spirit, his first gift. With
this in our hearts and minds, we will stand united. We will move as one. We
will seek to bring His love and His power to a world desperately in need of it.
Do not lose hope. The War has been won; we are merely here to handle the mop
Love always,
Fr. Frank Lockwood
Father Frank., your unending love for people is so inspiring. Thank you.
Love Becky.
Lovely message. thank you! Happy Advent full of blessings abounding.
Lovely message. Thank you. Happy Advent full of many blessings abounding.
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