Monday, April 26, 2010

lifting the fog

Last night, I was caught up in a dream. During that dream, I walked through what appeared to be intense darkness, as if I were in the middle of the night. You know that 3am darkness? That kind of dark. Yet, as I was walking, there came a certain clarity. The darkness began to lift a little more each step. As I walked, I became aware that the darkness was just a fog. It was thick, but it was only a fog. Like fog, it is short lived when exposed to the sun. It is in a fixed locale and one can walk through it and out of it as long as you stay straight and true and avoid going in circles.

As I was on my way into work this morning, it actually was foggy. Not as thick as in the dream, but thick enough. As I drive, I love to dialogue with God. In doing so, I came to see where the dream speaks of different seasons in our lives.

It is so easy to get a fog over yourself and not realize where or when it came. We mistake fog for true darkness, when it is nothing of the sort. If you expose the fog to the light, to the Son, the fog begins to burn. Ultimately, it will lift. In the mean time, keep straight and true on the path, in the Way.

I believe that we are in a time of great fog. A time when it is difficult to know what comes next and where to turn. It is a time when we can easily get confused. When clarity loses its edge. Don't be fooled. Name the fog for what it is and continue to trust in Him who can guide without roads or signs. This fog is only temporary. And it comes out of a clashing of two different times meeting in the same place. We are called to continue straight.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Maybe a little of a rant or may be a little of whining or maybe both or maybe some seriously difficult questions that we should examine and attempt to answer in our hearts.

What is the church? Why is it so difficult for us to be the church? Why don't we line up with it, with the word, with God's will? Are we lining up with God's will? Why does it seem so often that we inject our personal agendas so deeply into things? If I am truly surrendered to God and Jesus is my Lord and Savior, then why is it so difficult for me to put aside all that the world would teach and to sit at his feet and listen and accept and apply and change the world I live in?

According to Acts, the word "church" is derived from the Greek ekklessia. By definition, this word never references a building. It references a body of believers, those belonging together in council for the purpose of mutual oversight, protection and growth. That is the way the word is applied in Greek community living. When Luke writes Acts, under influence/guidance of Holy Spirit, he uses this word in reference to the body of believers. The place of worship is never referenced except for speaking about homes they gathered in or synagogues or in the porch of the Temple. In some cultures and denominations (I like to think of them as different counties within the same kingdom) the places of gathering are referred to as "houses of worship" leaving free the term church to reference the particular gathering of people.

Is this where the stumbling block first enters: that we don't recognize the community that we are to be? I often imagine a time when all within a church become close enough that each reaches out to the other, wants to learn how to support each other and gets together so often that the neighbors think you are somehow physically related because in "the natural" or "worldly way" of doing things, people don't get that close unless they have to based upon genetics. I love to imagine how that would affect a community/neighborhood/city/state/country (when I dream, I dream big). I love to see what people would be like if God's children started taking less ownership of their time and started giving it away to each other. My brother's habit may "drive me nuts" but I love that I have the chance to get driven nuts by him. I spend the time asking me if it is really his habit or is it something that is actually reflective of me that I really don't like.....thank you, brother for being there so that I can see this and allow God to work the change in me. I love to dream of this, imagine this, allow me to get so filled with God's love for His children that I cannot help but smile towards them no matter how far away from "what I want in a friend" they may be.....too many tattoos, too many piercings, too many facial hairs, not enough facial hairs, not enough suit and tie, not enough neat and tidy language, too much slang, etc etc. (Before you jump, I have ink myself, piercings, history, etc. so this is simply being facetious).

I long for, ache for, a church that sees the beauty in each other. That draws in together to not only mourn or celebrate with each other, but also draws together for the express purpose of sharing the mundane and boring. The everyday........that we are drawn in so tight that there, due to the love of God, there is nothing that separates us. Insult my brother and you insult me, and together we will forgive you because that is what we do as children of God. It is being so tight knit that I am upfront about my own agenda if I have one and my sister will call me out on it if I begin to act on it in such a way that it dishonors the Lord or dishonors or disrespects others.

At my current church, we are continuing to build on what was started in this way by their other Pastor (who is still thankfully intimately involved as we form a team of ministry rather than lone rangers). We continue to push, call, pray, repent, seek, find and share with each other, building relationships with each other and what it is that God wants to share with the world.

This is the ekklesia of Acts. Empowered by Holy Spirit. Led by Jesus Christ. Sanctified by the Father's grace.

Would you consider praying for this church? Would you pray with me that we begin to see the church as God's children and buildings as Houses of Worship? Would you pray that God puts His love so deep within you that it overwhelms you? That your eyes become flooded with how He sees your brothers and sisters? Would you pray this?

.......then the biggest question of all: Would you join me in acting on this? For the sake of God, His Kingdom, and the work of His Son on the cross for us, Would you join me in acting on this?

Friday, April 16, 2010

fire lesson

I felt the approval to share this with others, not just at service tonight.

Earlier today, before beginning morning prayers, I sensed it was time to burn up the old Chrism oil in the oil stock I carry. It took a lot of effort to eventually get it to catch fire, but it eventually did. Glass I had it in was designed for candles to be burned in. It was pretty and relatively thick. I placed it on the mantle and began prayers. Throughout prayers, I began to see it glow brighter and brighter. It filled the room with the aroma and the flames began to become more noticeable. As it increased and more of the oil was consumed, I could see the waves of heat at the same time get more pronounced. Then came the unpredicted: small sounds of "tink", "tink", "tinktinktink". I looked up and there were the cracks along the side of the glass. Now the glass was not a thin glass. It was quite thick, yet the heat was too much for it. The glass didn't shatter, thankfully, but it is broken, the heat finding its way out. I felt the spiritual tug: "pay attention", I prayed harder. In fact, throughout the day I prayed asking the Lord what is He saying?

Tonight, He answered:

My fire is hotter than you realize. The same fire I sent to the disciples, the same fire that they passed on, this fire that is Me is hotter than you realize. It was never meant to be contained in a nice neat little "glass". Those glasses were designed to hold a fire of your own making, not of My making. My heat will build, try to contain it and it will find a way out, unless you snuff the flame. I have given you this fire, use it. I will continue to give it to you, let it flow. Don't stick Me in a small little glass, let Me flow through you and through that, let Me change you and the world around you.

Come Lord, come, bring your fire. Let it consume the sacrifices we offer, like the day in which Elijah called You down, let the sacrifices be consumed and let that stand as witness to Your greater glory.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

holiness; a stab at a definition

1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a royal preisthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

So, what does it mean to be a "holy nation"? May not puzzle you much, but it did me and I had to spend sometime on it. In studying the word holy in both the Hebrew and the Greek, it literally means: to be set apart. Translating this further, in relation to God, it also means an absence of sin. Absence of sin means a lack of separation. Holiness is used in terms to mean: being set apart exclusively for the purpose of God. That word exclusive is often not mention. In so doing, the importance of it is lost.

Peter is calling the disciples (body of believers) to be Holy. That means, the expectation is that we, the body of believers, are to be (individually and corporately) set apart for the exclusive purpose of God. Does such a conclusion come out of left field? No. Check the use of the term holy throughout the Old Testament (TANAKH). Each time something is dedicated to God, set apart for his exclusive use, it is no longer considered to be "common" or "ordinary". It now has a very specific set of handling instructions, who may use it, when, where, etc. The specifics even went so far as to apply to the exact blend of certain spices for the purposes of creating a distinct aroma which would be on only certain objects that were considered most holy. So, how much more so are those holy whom he would have sent his son to die for?

Briefly, lets look also at what some of the other aspects of holiness would be: sinless and lack of distance. This is actually redundant when written this way because sin is any act which causes separation between us and God. Yet, sinless can also be referenced as "perfect". And, if we reach into Ephesians chapter 4, the word translated as both perfect and equipped is a medical term in Greek which actually is used to describe realigning of broken bones. So, when God gives "apostles, prophets, teacher, evangelists, and pastors for the equipping of the saints", that can equally be translated as perfecting of the saints and, if we apply the understanding of the term it would then be "the lining up perfectly with God of the saints."

In terms of holiness, then, we can substitute sinless above for perfectly aligned with.

Tackling the term lack of distance, in relation to holiness, we should read completeness. In other words, there is no distinguishing, because there is no distance. If we are perfectly aligned with God, we are then living in such a manner that we are now, as Jesus asks us to in John 17, one with him, he in us as we are in him and he is in the father and the father is in him, therefore the father is in us. Add to this the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and there ya' go: no distance between God and his children because of the work that Jesus perfected.

Holiness: being exclusively set aside for the purposes of God, perfectly aligned with him and having no separation nor distance.

Nation: a group of individuals sharing a common identity.

Holy Nation: a group of individuals who are set aside exclusively for the purposes of God in perfect alignment and having no separation from Him.

Come on Church, let's live it out.

Before any get too too upset, I'm not saying we can do this in our own strength. The inability of the law to perfect Israel is evidence of this. The law served as the indicator pointing in the direction of the Messiah/Savior. No, we cannot do this of our own. As Jesus himself says, for man this is impossible, but not with God. With God all things are possible. We are dependent upon his love, grace and Spirit to guide us, govern us and move us along. We have to surrender into this, allowing God to work in us and through us. Getting out of his way and allowing us to work that which is good in and through us.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pass me by

What ya lookin at down your long nose
thinkin I ain't been there before
judgin my clothes way I dress like I failed
the test booted out of the context of normal
life in society takin the offense at my lack of defense
for havin a hand out as ya pass by
Don't need a judge, keep your verdict
If I ain't worth it pass me by.
You think this is a choice like what would you choose
Walkin this way droppin out of life letting prosperity skip
by head and eyes draggin pavement for lack of
consent to be able to engage in life as you know it
not for lack of tryin' the uphill swim against the
current of circumstance poured out my way
Don't need a judge, keep your verdict
If I ain't worth it pass me by
Ya want my story are ya kiddin me ya won't
even look at me like a cap a can dropped without
thinking by the wayside nothin inside of value
that would be worth keepin you only interferin in
your going to and fro from lunch and home lest
you look in my eyes and see the real me starin
down on you from above hanging on a tree
stretched out tight in the name of love
Don't need a judge, keep your verdict
If I ain't worth it pass me by
Careful what you look at,
Can't hide from the truth you'll see inside
You want a judge, want me to keep my verdict
If you ain't worth it, pass me by

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Runnin Away

Doin' what I can to prove you wrong
rebellin and twistin, turning this and that
lookin for a way to slip and skip back into shadows
hidden under grey blendin away slippin back to where
You're not supposed to run

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
You won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin and dodgin
yet you seek me

done all I can to prove you wrong
rebelled took on what should shame you
wore it proud like a crown gleaming bright
like a prize fight 9th round kicking and screamin won't go down
can't call me out, no k o, no doubt
Yet you won't back out

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
twistin, turnin, duckin and dodgin
yet you seek me

In my filth, can't stand my stink
no shower enough no scent to cover up
being left raw, feelin the heat of the edge drawin near
won't you give up, quit chasin me, can't you see, the price you paid aint worth the weight of what I have to offer
yet you take all I can't and bear it up

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin, and dodgin
yet you seek me

Father why do you love me when I never been the son
you say you see in the end
covered in your glory livin into the next chapter of this story
that you've written for me
Even in the dark you seekin me, wrap your arms around me,
I'm crashin and done runnin
lay me out at the feet of your son

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin, and dodgin
yet you seek me
cause you love me
more than I can see, more than I'll know
thank you, Father, That I can't out run you
No more point in runnin away