Monday, April 19, 2010


Maybe a little of a rant or may be a little of whining or maybe both or maybe some seriously difficult questions that we should examine and attempt to answer in our hearts.

What is the church? Why is it so difficult for us to be the church? Why don't we line up with it, with the word, with God's will? Are we lining up with God's will? Why does it seem so often that we inject our personal agendas so deeply into things? If I am truly surrendered to God and Jesus is my Lord and Savior, then why is it so difficult for me to put aside all that the world would teach and to sit at his feet and listen and accept and apply and change the world I live in?

According to Acts, the word "church" is derived from the Greek ekklessia. By definition, this word never references a building. It references a body of believers, those belonging together in council for the purpose of mutual oversight, protection and growth. That is the way the word is applied in Greek community living. When Luke writes Acts, under influence/guidance of Holy Spirit, he uses this word in reference to the body of believers. The place of worship is never referenced except for speaking about homes they gathered in or synagogues or in the porch of the Temple. In some cultures and denominations (I like to think of them as different counties within the same kingdom) the places of gathering are referred to as "houses of worship" leaving free the term church to reference the particular gathering of people.

Is this where the stumbling block first enters: that we don't recognize the community that we are to be? I often imagine a time when all within a church become close enough that each reaches out to the other, wants to learn how to support each other and gets together so often that the neighbors think you are somehow physically related because in "the natural" or "worldly way" of doing things, people don't get that close unless they have to based upon genetics. I love to imagine how that would affect a community/neighborhood/city/state/country (when I dream, I dream big). I love to see what people would be like if God's children started taking less ownership of their time and started giving it away to each other. My brother's habit may "drive me nuts" but I love that I have the chance to get driven nuts by him. I spend the time asking me if it is really his habit or is it something that is actually reflective of me that I really don't like.....thank you, brother for being there so that I can see this and allow God to work the change in me. I love to dream of this, imagine this, allow me to get so filled with God's love for His children that I cannot help but smile towards them no matter how far away from "what I want in a friend" they may be.....too many tattoos, too many piercings, too many facial hairs, not enough facial hairs, not enough suit and tie, not enough neat and tidy language, too much slang, etc etc. (Before you jump, I have ink myself, piercings, history, etc. so this is simply being facetious).

I long for, ache for, a church that sees the beauty in each other. That draws in together to not only mourn or celebrate with each other, but also draws together for the express purpose of sharing the mundane and boring. The everyday........that we are drawn in so tight that there, due to the love of God, there is nothing that separates us. Insult my brother and you insult me, and together we will forgive you because that is what we do as children of God. It is being so tight knit that I am upfront about my own agenda if I have one and my sister will call me out on it if I begin to act on it in such a way that it dishonors the Lord or dishonors or disrespects others.

At my current church, we are continuing to build on what was started in this way by their other Pastor (who is still thankfully intimately involved as we form a team of ministry rather than lone rangers). We continue to push, call, pray, repent, seek, find and share with each other, building relationships with each other and what it is that God wants to share with the world.

This is the ekklesia of Acts. Empowered by Holy Spirit. Led by Jesus Christ. Sanctified by the Father's grace.

Would you consider praying for this church? Would you pray with me that we begin to see the church as God's children and buildings as Houses of Worship? Would you pray that God puts His love so deep within you that it overwhelms you? That your eyes become flooded with how He sees your brothers and sisters? Would you pray this?

.......then the biggest question of all: Would you join me in acting on this? For the sake of God, His Kingdom, and the work of His Son on the cross for us, Would you join me in acting on this?

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