Thursday, April 8, 2010

Runnin Away

Doin' what I can to prove you wrong
rebellin and twistin, turning this and that
lookin for a way to slip and skip back into shadows
hidden under grey blendin away slippin back to where
You're not supposed to run

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
You won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin and dodgin
yet you seek me

done all I can to prove you wrong
rebelled took on what should shame you
wore it proud like a crown gleaming bright
like a prize fight 9th round kicking and screamin won't go down
can't call me out, no k o, no doubt
Yet you won't back out

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
twistin, turnin, duckin and dodgin
yet you seek me

In my filth, can't stand my stink
no shower enough no scent to cover up
being left raw, feelin the heat of the edge drawin near
won't you give up, quit chasin me, can't you see, the price you paid aint worth the weight of what I have to offer
yet you take all I can't and bear it up

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin, and dodgin
yet you seek me

Father why do you love me when I never been the son
you say you see in the end
covered in your glory livin into the next chapter of this story
that you've written for me
Even in the dark you seekin me, wrap your arms around me,
I'm crashin and done runnin
lay me out at the feet of your son

Why? can't say, don't know, can't see
you won't leave me
Twistin, turnin, duckin, and dodgin
yet you seek me
cause you love me
more than I can see, more than I'll know
thank you, Father, That I can't out run you
No more point in runnin away


Christie said...

Sounds like God's got a thing for you lol. Can't outrun God- His love endures forever. If God tells you He can do forever, I would believe Him. But I guess that's just my faith talking B)

CTKgal said...

Surrender is beautiful.

Christie said...

sounds like submission to me, by the way lol good job. :)